For our homework we had to make origami boxes and then to glue then to paper next to other peoples boxes. Then for the last few weeks the teacher went around passing out a random name and a slip of paper. We had to look at the name, not telling the person, and wrote positive words that were about them on the paper. Today we opened the boxes and used the words to make a word cloud. here is my one:
I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Thursday, 6 December 2018
Wednesday, 28 November 2018
On Tuesday 27th of November we had a person visit our school to teach us about cricket. His name was Paddy and he only talked a little about the rules, but most of the time we were just playing the game.It gave us fitness and taught us some new skills so we knew more about the game. Here are some of the photos we took. hope you enjoy:

Monday, 26 November 2018
Knights Slideshow
On Wednesday we had a relief teacher and with her we learned about knights. We could display three topics which were, what a knights duties were, how jousting was important for knights and what medieval women wore. Ryan and I made a slideshow about them. Here it is:
Tuesday, 20 November 2018
Wringer Video
In our class we have been reading a book called Wringer by Jerry Spinelli. For our writing we had to choose a scene we liked in the story. We all made a script and in it, we had to include what music we would have, what we would say, what we do and what the camera shots and angles were going to be. Mia's script was chosen for a group of us and in the scene three boys sneak into the main characters room so they can go and check out the pigeon boxes without his parents knowing. Here it is:
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
Pet Day Writing
Once a year at school we have one day we call "Pet Day" where kids bring their chosen pet to get judged for prizes. Before the day every student has to make a project about their pet. One of the pieces of writing we did was an information report. In the report we had to write in present tense, follow the plan we made and talk about all of the type of animal in general, not your pet.
Next year I would like to do more research before writing it so it is more informative. Here is my information report writing:
Other facts
Next year I would like to do more research before writing it so it is more informative. Here is my information report writing:
Guinea pigs look different ways even in the same breeds. Guinea pigs have very different breeds which makes their fur and sometimes their colour change. American guinea pigs are always smooth and silky. Teddy guinea pigs have shortish hair which has a texture which is similar to a carpets. Abyssinian guinea pigs have hair that always sticks up no matter how much you try to brush it down. Some breeds have red eyes but most just have plain black. Most the time their breeds don’t determine their colour except for the Himalayan guinea pig which is always white.
Food & Non Food
Guinea pigs can eat many things but they can’t eat anything. They are creature that can eat a variety of fruit and veggies, but are unable to eat many of their skins. Beetroot, spinach and rhubarb are sometimes mistaken for a food for guinea pigs but they can’t eat them along with chocolate, buttercups, garden shrubs, onions etc. Some things that they can eat are daisies, apples, zucchini and celery. Fruits like pears can be a great treat for them but to many in a day can be bad for them.
Looking after them
Guinea pigs need a few things to keep them healthy and strong. First is that they need new grass about every second day which means to move them to a different spot. Second is that the could drown because their house is in a puddle and they can’t get out. That isn’t a problem if their house sticks above the ground. And last is that they can’t just be fed the same thing every day, give them some variety of foods with treats sometimes.
For guinea pigs you need to have a appropriate shelter for them. First off the need a shelter with a roof and no way for land animals to get in or them to get out. If the roof is open then birds of prey like a hawks will swoop in and grab them. They also need a place to get away from the rain. If they get a puddle in their house and they can’t escape it then they will drown. Another thing is that they need a nice warm place to sleep, although they have fur they can still get cold on frosty night. You also need to let them have plenty of room for exercise. The nice thing about guinea pigs is that is they will try to use the space they have and use it for running around or playing( exercising themselves.)
Other facts
Some of the other things you should know about guinea pigs are small. The regular life span of a guinea pig is 4 to 8 years. Another thing is that you should groom them regularly because it feels nice and lets them bond with you. You can also teach you guinea pig tricks like to bring an object from here to there. Every guinea pig usually has a different personality so you should get to know it for future reasons.
So in conclusion, Guinea pigs are unique and complicated but are pretty easy to take care of.
Tuesday, 23 October 2018
Holiday Assignment
In the holidays we didn't have any homework, well mostly. We had to find a sentence in the book we were reading that described the feelings of the character. You also had to include the title of the book, the author and the page number the sentence was on. We also had to include a picture I made a sentence that shows why he would be sad. Here it is:
Friday, 14 September 2018
Refugee Mistreatment
In our class our teacher has been reading us a book about some refugees. In the book all of them are treated like they are trash which should be thrown away. So in our reading activities we had the choice to make a slideshow related to that. Bella and I made a slideshow about how some people mistreaed refugees. Here it is:
Thursday, 6 September 2018
El Gregoe
We had a recent visitor at our school on Tuesday 4th of September who was called El Gregoe. After he left we got the choice of what type of writing we used. I wrote a letter to the other schools to tell them that they should have El Gregoe visit them too. Here it is:
Dear Schools of the West Coast
I believe that you should have El Gregoe come to your school for some pretty good reasons.
First is that he is a magician, so you could let him entertain your school. Maybe your school is a little sad for some reason. In that case they would become more happy when they see his tricks. His tricks are so good that most of our school didn’t know how he did it. He also uses pretty birds and a guinea pig to help him make it seem like he is better, pulling them out of thin air.
Second is that he teaches schools that bullying is not okay and how to avoid it. He even does tricks to help us figure them out. Sometimes he uses a ventriloquist act for a puppet where they talk about their problems(which aren't actually real) which can happen in real life.
So in conclusion, I think that you should have El Gregoe visit your school to help stop bullying and perform cool magic tricks.
Thursday, 30 August 2018
Go Headphones
In our class we have some trouble makers who used the headphones wrongly which brought us to the stage where we were going to get rid of them. Our teacher asked us to write a persuasive script of writing to tell us if we wanted to keep them are or not. I voted to keep them. Here is my persuasive script of why I think that the headphones should stay:
I believe that we should keep the headphones because I think they are better than the UE boom 2 for some reasons.
Reason one is that with the headphones, you can listen to music and to other things without the whole class hearing you. If we use the UE boom 2 then it is more likely people laugh at funny parts instead of just the one person with the headphones.
Also, if something happened to the UE boom 2 like if it was dropped, then everybody would have to try to listen to the computer's sound (which is so much quieter.)
As well as that, you can listen to more things if it was supposed to be listening to learning stuff for example. Imagine you were trying to listen to reading plus over somebody's else's computer, with them putting it on full blast and you couldn’t hear your computer at all.
Also something that the headphones do is to keep us concentrated on what we are supposed to be doing. Like, for example, you could be trying to listen to instructions for an art project, and even if it is loud around you, you will only hear a little. (unless they are being really loud)
So in conclusion, I think we should keep the headphones because they keep sound to yourself and blocks out other peoples sound.
Serbia Research
For our reading activities we have based them on a book called Refugee that we are reading, I have researched Serbia. The reason that I have done so is because in the book there are three characters and one of them called Mahmoud, who went to a couple of places that we don't know much about. He has gone to: Greece, Hungry, Serbia and Macedonia so they were the choices of country's that we could research. I made a Google drawing to show my learning. Here it is:
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Cyclone Research
In room 6 we have a big list of thing we could do for reading. They were all related to the book we are reading which is to do with three refugees on a journey to get away from the horrible things in life. One of them is called Isabella and her grandma got swept away by a cyclone, with her watching it happen. That is why one of the the reading activities is to research cyclones and put it on a Google drawing. My buddy was Alex. Here is the finished product:
Minecraft Camp
In room 6 we were given a big list of activities we could do which were related to the book we were reading, Refugee. One of the activities was to make a refugee camp in Minecraft and that was the one I chose my buddies were Alex and Ben. When we were finished we took photos of the camp. Here they are:
Friday, 10 August 2018
Dark Boy
In writing, Room 6 has was given a picture of a boy in the dark. We had to find out things about him by looking in his eyes for example. Then we created a document, named it "Look into his Eyes" and then wrote the sentence which came with the picture, "It is night time, a boy walks onto a road, he sees a figure, he feels happy." We had to Upgrade those four sentences. here is my finished work:
The starry sky seemed to be endless with darkness which surrounding them with the moon as the only light. The houses and shelters blended in like they weren’t there which made them hard to look out for.
Crawling to his feet and trotting out of his small shelter, John looked up at the blinding white moon. Stumbling on to the cold, hard road, he thought of the last night he had like this. It was three months ago,but he felt it like it was the only thing he could think about. His father had received a call from the army to tell him that they needed everyman they had. He had left that same night.
Suddenly John spots a dark figure stand in his path. The man was wearing a grey jacket which dropped down to his knees. He had his head down so it made it impossible to see his face. His camo brown pants looked like they had been through some rough times.
John turns away to run when the man looks up and shows his face. Instantly realising who it was, John turned back towards him and is filled with happiness and joy, scaring away his sorrow and fear. It was his Father.
Monday, 23 July 2018
Descriptive Setting
In the holidays we were supposed to chose a sentence that describes the setting really well. We had to include: the author, the name of the book, a picture and what page it was on. Here it is.
Friday, 6 July 2018
Video Total Annihilation
Soon after publishing Total Annihilation 4, I thought that I should make a video of people saying the speak bubbles. Here is the video of of the animation:
Sid Writing
We have a cat which visits us regularly. We had to write about her like what she does or why she comes around. We wrote a description about Sid. Here is my one:
Sid is a cat who has been visiting our school. He comes here for the food and rubs.We named him so because there is a book called “Six Dinner Sid.” In the book there is a cat named Sid who has 6 different owners who each feed him separately because they don’t know that Sid goes to other people.
Sid is a female cat which is white on the bottom and black on her back which stops and starts again on her head, creating a sort of mask. When she yawns she hides her olive green eyes, and shows you her rows of deadly sharp teeth. She has a dot on her nose which kind of ruins the mask effect.
Sid will come right up to you and push against you until you rub her. When you do finally, she will let out a happy pur. Our Sid is almost like that Sid except we know a few other people that feed him. He will pester the teachers when he wants some food. He has his own bowl which he visits even when it is empty. To my surprise, Sid actually doesn’t chase the chickens or the small birds. She might enter the chicken pen, but she just walks around casually. Although I have never seen her do it, Some people say that she likes resting on the hay meant for the chickens (she uses it before it goes into the nests.) Also someone said that Sid has hissed at them even though they weren’t doing anything.
Recently, Sid has done two things. First, when the cleaner lady didn’t notice Sid was in the library, she didn’t tell anyone and Sid stayed in there all night! During that time she set off the alarm twice. The other thing was that one morning she sat by the office door, meowing. She had a limp for some unknown reason. One of her back legs was bleeding very badly so we found her owner and gave Sid to them. We all hope she gets all better.
In conclusion, Sid is a nice cat who does many things, including getting hurt and being naughty.
Friday, 29 June 2018
Total Annihilation 4
This is another of the Total Annihilation series. It's actually the fourth! I have been starting to work on it more because there are other Animations which are close to their third. I hope you enjoy it, I did. Here it is:
Thursday, 28 June 2018
Inferno Cloud
In class we are learning to structure a narrative and so we had to write a story based on a picture we were given. The picture was this:
We also had a challenge to include a hook. Here is my hook
Inferno Cloud
We also had a challenge to include a hook. Here is my hook
Inferno Cloud
Everybody around me was shrieking and running around as the unstoppable inferno grew closer. The heat was unbearable so I sprinted towards my house, not knowing what to do. My friend,Uko, held me back as the triple decker building collapsed in on itself into the fire below. Uko was a kind boy who tried to look out for everybody, including his friends. I pushed my friend away as I ran into what was left of the building. The heat was searing and I was about to dash out when a large beam fell from what remained of the second floor and knocked me out. After that I had flashes of what happened next. I got the picture that someone came in to get me out and took me to one the railways that led out of the city, and then everything went black.
If you want to read the whole story, then click this linkInferno Cloud
Thursday, 14 June 2018
Reading Plus
My teacher shared with me a template with questions about Reading Plus. After I read the questions first, then I made a Screencastify about me answering them. Sorry if my face isn't all on the screen. Here is the Screencastify:
Danger Game 2 Screencastify
Soon after we finished Danger Game 2 we made a screencastify and acted it out. Here is the video of Danger Game 2:
Friday, 1 June 2018
Coloured Picasso Drawing
After our first practise drawing we have created a Picasso style drawing. After we had finished the drawing we painted it. We tried to use different colours for each side of the face and tried not to use to much of the same colour. Here is my finished drawing:
Cross Country
On Monday 28th the year fours to years eights went to Kumara race track to run. If you were a year four you would run one lap, if you were a year five or six you would run two laps, and everybody else ran three laps. When we got back we wrote about what it was like in present tense and described about how we felt and other sensations. Here is my writing:
Friday, 25 May 2018
Self Portrait
We have been doing some art in room 5. The art type was self portraits where we watched a video and then started. We had to first make a head and then make lines dividing it up to find the centre and were to put the eyes, nose etc. Here is my self portrait:
Worm Farm
We have been learning about worms so we created a DLO about it. (DLO= Digital Learning Object) In this DLO we were supposed to show the benefits of a worm farm. Here is my Google Drawing about the good things about getting a worm farm.
Friday, 18 May 2018
Paul Beavis
We had to create a Google Drawing or slideshow about Paul Beavis. We had to include things about his life which we looked up on websites that our teacher gave to us. After he visited our school we upgraded our Drawing or slideshow with the things he told us. I made a Google Drawing and worked with my friend Tane. Here it is:
Thursday, 17 May 2018
My Reading Profile 2
We had to create Google Drawing or slideshow about our goals and what we read. We included what we read, some goals for our reading and goals for Reading Plus. I made a Google Drawing about my goals. Here it is:
Tuesday, 8 May 2018
Alliteration Poem
In writing we have bean learning to write poems. We started out with an alliteration poem where we tried to use as many words starting with M. We took a new line every time we would pause to take a breath. Here is my poem about a Mantis.
The male mantis moaned
as he moped out from out of his magnificent mushroom in the morning.
The mantis marched towards his maple tree
which always has many mosquitos.
Noticing a mosquito
he misguidedly leaped at its monstrous wings.
“Missed!” muttered the mantis
as he plummeted towards the maple leaf mounds below.
Making himself pull him up
He marched towards the smell of a meaty meal
And arriving he noticed a murdered monkey corpse on an earth mound.
The mantis digged into his mammal meal
with his mandible mouth.
A maleficent mouse emerges from the mound
and scares the mantis back to his mushroom.
Mournfully marching back to his monstrous mushroom
he finds a magnificent melon.
The End
Monday, 7 May 2018
In class we have been learning about angles. We made little circles of paper and then linked them together ( an angle indicator ) to help us show angles. After that we made a screencastify about what we know about angles. Here is my one.
Friday, 27 April 2018
Descriptive Sentence
For a small task over the term brake we had to find a good descriptive sentence and then put it on a Google drawing then post it on our blog. On the Drawing we had to have; the author"s name, what book it was from and the page number. Here is my Google drawing about a sentence in Wings of Fire.
Friday, 13 April 2018
Wings of Fire
Our teacher wanted us to make a second book review before the end of the term. My book review is about Wings of Fire which is something I have started to read quite recently. Here is my review shown in a slideshow:
Total Annihilation 3
I have finally finished Total Annihilation three and am proud of it. I hope to introduce more main characters in number four and already have. In this one Thog makes a very good friend who follows him throughout the next animations. This is continuing on from the other two Total Annihilations so if you haven't seen number two or one I suggest you watch them first. Here it is:
In our class we have been creating a haiku. A haiku is where you three short sentences, the first has five syllables, the second has seven syllables and the last has five again. Here is my haiku about autumn:
Thursday, 12 April 2018
Swimming Lessons
Every week on Monday and Wednesday I would go to the swimming pool for my lessons. Angus, our teacher, would help me get better at what I was bad at and help me learn new swims. Our teacher shared out a slideshow with a few questions on it abut our lessons. Here it is:
Friday, 6 April 2018
Hunting and Fishing Competition
At school we have been writing about the Hunting and Fishing Competition. Since I have never been I had to describe it through the photos our teacher had given us. I am against hunting and fishing because I think it's unfair on the animals side so I have said throughout this writing how I am disgusted and sad for the animals.
Strolling towards the place I am unwilling to go to, but must do, I try to stuff my nose full of sweet smelling flowers. My brother has harassed my dad to take us to the Hunting and Fishing Competition. As we finally arrive at it I quickly split away from dad and my brother to look at everything without hearing things like, “ That is the greatest kill I’ve ever seen,” and stuff like that.
Staring at the first truck I am shocked with a sensation of disgust, frustration and sadness as I gaze upon the hanging deer. Limp and lifeless, all legs are broken and their tongues hanging out. Disgusted, I speed off in the opposite direction. I look to the side of me as I run and see a mass bunny slaughter in the back of a truck. Piled on top of each other, the hairs mostly look untouched, but in some places there are stains of red. Still sprinting away from the death I notice a tractor lifting a carcass of a deer all around the place. I close my eyes. Wrong move! As I slowing and steadily open my eyes I gaze right into the creepiest thing yet!
I am staring right at the tail of a hanging trout. White eyed and dripping with blood, I quickly roll out from under them before I get dripped on. Hurrying to my feet, I speed off into a white tent. Inside I find a tray with an eel in it. I think it’s dead and I turn to leave, but then I notice it wiggle. Staying, I watch it swim around lazily for a minute or two. Faint black with its left fin almost half gone I have a hunch that it gave up quite a fight. Feeling sorry for it, I want to free it somehow, but I know it is impossible. I stay, even as I am told it is time to go.
Dragged out eventually by my dad I trudge slowly away from the Killing Competition.

Strolling towards the place I am unwilling to go to, but must do, I try to stuff my nose full of sweet smelling flowers. My brother has harassed my dad to take us to the Hunting and Fishing Competition. As we finally arrive at it I quickly split away from dad and my brother to look at everything without hearing things like, “ That is the greatest kill I’ve ever seen,” and stuff like that.
Staring at the first truck I am shocked with a sensation of disgust, frustration and sadness as I gaze upon the hanging deer. Limp and lifeless, all legs are broken and their tongues hanging out. Disgusted, I speed off in the opposite direction. I look to the side of me as I run and see a mass bunny slaughter in the back of a truck. Piled on top of each other, the hairs mostly look untouched, but in some places there are stains of red. Still sprinting away from the death I notice a tractor lifting a carcass of a deer all around the place. I close my eyes. Wrong move! As I slowing and steadily open my eyes I gaze right into the creepiest thing yet!
I am staring right at the tail of a hanging trout. White eyed and dripping with blood, I quickly roll out from under them before I get dripped on. Hurrying to my feet, I speed off into a white tent. Inside I find a tray with an eel in it. I think it’s dead and I turn to leave, but then I notice it wiggle. Staying, I watch it swim around lazily for a minute or two. Faint black with its left fin almost half gone I have a hunch that it gave up quite a fight. Feeling sorry for it, I want to free it somehow, but I know it is impossible. I stay, even as I am told it is time to go.
Dragged out eventually by my dad I trudge slowly away from the Killing Competition.
Friday, 23 March 2018
All About Me
Mrs Idle shared a slideshow with us so that we could each make one slide to tell about ourselves. We had to say our name and some of our favourite activities and foods, but we couldn't say what our birthday is or your siblings name etc. Here it is:
Danger Game
Deakyn and I have made a stop motion animation about someone who got sucked into an arcade game. By doing this I have got better at making the characters move more realistically. To watch it hit the arrow keys to move from slide to slide. Here is the animation:
Friday, 16 March 2018
Cycling Writing
In Room Five we have been learning to describe using present tense. After the police sent someone to our school to teach us how to safe cycle, we wrote how it felt like on one of the courses. Here it is:
I speed off with a roaring start, ready to turn. I turn and zig-zag past everything like I have rockets on. Pulling on the brakes, I turn sharply, followed by a burst of air. It feels as if I am taking off like a mini plane. Back down in a short second, just in time to put on the brakes once more for the the next jump. This time though, I get no air, just go up and then a split second later, down again just to turn for the third time. I zig-zag again, but half way through I feel a bumpy massage just before the other half of the zig-zags. I screech to a stop, right at the back of the line, waiting for my next turn.
My second time round is different. I notice everything more. When I push off I turn and twist through the orange, small, cones. I turn slowly so I have plenty of time to get ready for the wooden plank. I speed over it to decrease the chances of falling off the ramp. I turn again, this time with hardly any time to get ready for the next wooden plank. This one is heavier and I go up and then right back down, still on top of the plank. I turn just in time for the second pair of orange cones. This time though there is a ladder halfway through and it feels very nice and bumpy. After the ladder I finish the rest of the zig-zags and speed back into line, ready for the next one, but I soon realize that is the last time I can do it.
Friday, 9 March 2018
Summer Poem
In Room Five we are learning to write poems. We read a poem writing by MARCI RIDLON. We had to start every new poem with saying "Remember that time when" and they always ended with "That was summer." Here it is.
Remember that time
fully dressed and it felt like
a half heated pool
with rocks?
Remember how you clambered out,
swaying back and forth
because of the weight?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when you were in the
heaps of hook grass
on your pants?
Remember how the
buzzing and the
water trickling sounded?
That was summer.
Remember that time
when someone or
something pushed you
in the water without you knowing?
Remember how you felt as you fell through the air,
you were going to jump in anyway
and when you hit the water it felt nice?
That was summer.
Thursday, 1 March 2018
Being a Successful Learner in Awahono School
In Room Five we have been working on a slideshow showing how to be a successful learner in our school. Each one of Room Five worked on their own slide, showing what they think is being a good learner. When I was finished I took a screenshot of my finished slide. Here it is.
Friday, 16 February 2018
Book Report
Room Five is making small slideshows to tell the reader about the book they are reading. We have to put what the problem is, what is happening, explain the character and setting and why you like it or don't like it. Here is my book review on this amazing book.
Maths investigation
In Room Fives maths we have been learning how to do statistical investigations. We would choose an activity like hopping or jumping. Then we would be timed to see how many jumps or whatever we did in a minute. We would then draw a stem and leaf graph into our maths books and make statements about it. I have put in a drawing what we did and a digital stem and leaf graph. Here it is.
Total Annihilation 2
When Tane and I made a stop motion animation a while back and finished it we thought it needed something else. Then we decided to make a second Total Annihilation. We finished it a couple weeks before the summer holiday. Here it is.(P.s, this is a sequel so I insist you watch the first one first if you haven't already.)
Friday, 9 February 2018
Jumping on the Spot Data
In room 5 we are learning to do a statistical investigation. We did an experiment to see how many jumps we could do in a minute. After we had counted how many jumps we did, we made a stem and leaf graph to show our working out. Then we made some statements about our stem and leaf graph. Here is my Google drawing.
Friday, 2 February 2018
My Reading Profile
In Room 5 we wrote on a drawing that Mr.s Idle shared with us about what we like to read, what we would like to read next, when we like to read etc. Then we made a Google drawing or slideshow about it and what we had writen. Here is my Google drawing.
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