Wednesday 30 of November Room Five went on camp to a place called Waiuta which was, in its day, a very good gold mining town and when we went there we learned a lot about it. After camp we put some the information that we knew on slideshows and here is my one.
I was a student at Awahono School in Greymouth and this is where I shared my learning.
Thursday, 15 December 2016
Thursday, 24 November 2016
My typing progress
In Room Five I have been learning to type very fast and not look at the keys in my typing. Here is a screenshot of my typing so far.
Thursday, 17 November 2016
My Why do we Have Chairs in the Classroom
My class has been learning to write an explanation. At the start of the term we wrote why we had chairs in an explanation and in it we had to include how chairs help us and what would happen if they weren't there. Here is my Why do we have Chairs in the Classroom?explanation.
What are Chairs?
At Awahono we have chairs in our classrooms. Chairs are furniture that you sit on and most of the time they have four wooden legs. We use them so that we are level with the tables. Chairs help us to focus, to not get a sore back and they help us be level with what we are doing.
The reason that we have and use chairs is because it lets us have a focused mind on what we are doing. If we didn’t have chairs we would be way less focused on what we are doing. With chairs we achieve much more and it lets us get more work done in a time period.
Straight backs
When we sit on chairs we have straight backs which makes us feel better. If we are slumped down in our chairs it is bad for our backs and it is more likely you will fall asleep. With a straight back you can have good work because you don’t fall asleep on what you are doing.
Why do we have chairs?
The reason that we have chairs is because it would be uncomfortable If we didn’t. We would not be level with what we are doing and we would not be focused. If we didn’t have chairs we would have to sit on the floor. If we did that we would get sore legs from laying on them so much.
I think that if we didn’t have chairs in the classroom we would be a lot less focused and we would not have as good work as we have. If we did not have chairs we would have sore and tired legs every day and school would be way less enjoyable.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
My Pet Day Review
In my writing I have been learning to do a review and this week I have been writing about Pet Day. In my review I put some of the major events that happened on Pet Day like the work shops. Here is my Pet Day review.
What Is Pet Day
Awahono’s last Pet Day was Friday 21 October 2016 and on Pet Day everyone got to bring their pets to Awahono School. We did Pet Day to let other people see other people’s pets. We did a lot of things on Pet Day and I am going talk about some of them.
When I got to Pet Day I went to look at the other animals. First, I looked at the calves and the first one I saw was a grown up cow! The owners of the cow said that it was tame so I got to go on its back and it felt bony being on it because I had only been on a horse. Then I looked at the other calves which were normal, except for the last one which wouldn’t let me pat it’s head or any of it because it kept moving away. Next was the dogs, the first one was tiny and white and black, the second one looked tough but when I got closer he turned out to be a big softy and I could tell that he was happy. He kept on rubbing against me and and jumping on me and when I went away, he whimpered. The last one went on his back and we rubbed his tummy and his leg went back and forth.
Workshop 1
After break we had the first activity which in my case was outdoor activities. In outdoor activities we played games that always had a winner which I liked because I won a few of the games.
Workshop 2
After lunch it was time for the second activity which was when I went to cupcake making which I enjoyed very much because we got to put the toppings on the muffins. I enjoyed it especially because we got to eat them after.
I enjoyed Pet Day because I got to meet everyone's pets and to do a lot of fun. Wednesday, 2 November 2016
My Dr Dischord Paragraph
In room five our teacher has bean reading us a book with a man called Dr Discord and when we learned about him we did a description about him and his surroundings. Here is one of the paragraphs of him, the reason that I have chosen this one is because it has a very good description of him.
Dr Discord's job is to give people sound by mixing up the stuff in the bottles ( which is sound ) to make a potion which he gives to his patients. Dischord has a Dynne which he found in a soda bottle and took care of it, but then he placed it in a bigger bottle on his shelf. When one of his patients does not want to drink his potion he gives it to his Dynne for his meal. Dr Dischord has a white lab coat, some glasses on his nose and compared to his ears they are tiny and a giant mirror on his head.
My Root Word DLO
In my spelling group we have been learning about root words. Root words are chunks of a word which mean something, like audi is a root word, but it is not a word, but it fits in one, like audible. Here is a DLO that I have made about root words.
My Life Cycle of a Frog
In the past week I have written an explanation on the life cycle of a frog because I brought some tadpoles into the class. I had to write the stages from egg to frog plus an introduction and I had four paragraphs because there are four stages, egg, tadpoles, tadpoles with legs and frog. Here is my explanation about the life cycle of a frog.
The Life Cycle Of A Frog
A frog is a very unique creature that is an amphibian and it has a very unusual life cycle. They have four different stages from egg to adult.
Stage One: Eggs
When the frogs lay their eggs they are surrounded by a gel. The gel protects them from animals that want to eat them because at that stage they are very weak. At this stage they look like a tiny rock inside some clear rubber.During this stage, the egg is not considered to be a tadpole yet.
Stage Two: Tadpoles 
When the eggs hatch little tadpoles come out and start to eat all the algae in the pond or lake that they are in. When they have eaten all the algae they are big enough to eat dead carcasses that lie on the bottom of the mud. When they are at this stage they look like a bigger black stone with a turtle flipper coming out the end.
Stage Three: Tadpoles With Legs 
When the tadpoles get older they start to grow legs that help them swim. First the back legs come out and then the front legs. The legs help them grip onto things and swim through the water faster. When they are like this, they look like an even bigger black stone that has a flipper and some legs.
Stage Four: Adult frog
When the tadpoles have grown all their legs they start to lose their tails and get a different look by changing their skin colour. When they have done that they go out of the water and go to find a frog to mate with and the stages all start again. At this final stage they look like a brown oval with legs and eyes.
There are four stages that a frog has to go through to develop from frog spawn to a frog .
Monday, 10 October 2016
Friday, 9 September 2016
My Pet Day explanation
Room Five has been learning to write an explanation about things. The past week we have been writing a explanation about pet day. Here is my explanation about pet day.
What is Pet Day?
Once a year children bring their animals from farms or just normal homes to Awahono School, which has an event called Pet Day where we show off our pets.
On Pet Day people bring animals from farms or not farms, small and big, and tame and wild animals come to Awahono School. All the pets that come to School are put into different places because they are sorted into their animal categories, so a calf would not be next to a dog, a calf would be next to a calf.
Pet Projects
Before Pet Day, children at Awahono describe their animals in a poster or a booklet. In your pet project you have to explain what your pet likes, how you look after it, what kind of food it likes, what it does that is silly, what kind of home it has and what it’s habits are.
Pet Day Activity
Before Pet Day people sign up for two activities to do on Pet Day and those two activities could be, cupcake making, landscape designing or plasticine making. In some of the activities you create the object at home but some, like cupcake making, you do not do at home.
Pet Parade
Before the Pet Day activities all the kids at Awahono carry their pets around the court once. They don’t go round all at once, they are sorted into categories so that you can tell when you walk around. Before people start walking around we have to sit on the side of the court and wait for the judges to be ready.
The judges that help out on Pet Day come from all over the South island. People like farmers, butchers and teachers. The judges watch all the people at Pet Day and they decide by how the children describe their pets in their pet projects.
My opinion about Pet Day is that it is a perfect opportunity to learn and meet about other people’s pets. I think that Pet Day is great and awesome because people get to meet other people’s animals and how they act.
My Self-Portrait
Room Five has been working on what we call self-portraits . Something that I found difficult was drawing the hair because my hair sticks out a lot. One thing I learned was that if you put good colours into a picture, it will turn out really good. Here is my self-portrait.
Friday, 2 September 2016
What are the Olympic Games?
Room Five has been learning and writing about the Olympic Games and we had to explain who, what, when and where in the first paragraph. Then we had to write different paragraphs and give them titles such as, medals or athletes to tell the reader what we will be talking about in that paragraph. Here is my writing about the Olympics.
What are the Olympic Games?
Every four years athletes from all over the world come together to a different country to compete in sporting events for 17 days, at the Olympic Games to represent their countries.
At the Olympic Games the top athletes of their countries come to win medals. In all the events a gold medal is given to the athlete that won first place, the silver medal would go to the one that won second place and the bronze medal would be given to the one who got third place, the gold medal isn’t really solid gold, it is silver with a very thin layer of gold.
The athletes that go to the Olympic Games have to be top athletes of their countries and even then you still have to sign up for it. When they go to the Olympic Games one of the athletes, holds up their country’s flag to represent their country. One of the best athletes that goes to the Olympics is a girl from South America that is so good in gymnastics that a move was named after her.
I think that it was and still is a good idea to do the Olympics to make a more peaceful world. Though the Olympics needs tons of money to be held, I still recommend that people should still go to it and compete in it to represent their countries. I think it is so good that when I am older even I might to try and get in and do throwing with javelins.
Monday, 22 August 2016
Awahono School mini Olympics day
On Friday 19th of August Awahono School had a Mini Olympics day. Room Six organised it and these are some of the things that we did at Mini Olympics day: tug of war, moon-hoppers and boot throwing. Here is a picture of all of my class with our medals.
Friday, 19 August 2016
Typing Tutor
I have been learning to type faster every morning after the first bell. Something that I have found hard to do is not look at the keys while I am typing. At the moment I am working on not looking at the keys.
Wednesday, 10 August 2016
Friday, 1 July 2016
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