My teacher shared with me a template with questions about Reading Plus. After I read the questions first, then I made a Screencastify about me answering them. Sorry if my face isn't all on the screen. Here is the Screencastify:
Hi Miro, well done for getting as far as level H, which is quite an achievement. It's good that you have some strategies to help you to do your best, like finding a quiet corner to concentrate. You made a very important point when you said that you try to enjoy what you are reading; enjoyment very often comes when you have made an effort, it doesn't happen on its own, and when you enjoy something you generally do better at it; most of the time you are getting scores over 80% so you must be enjoying the stories!
Hi Miro, well done for getting as far as level H, which is quite an achievement. It's good that you have some strategies to help you to do your best, like finding a quiet corner to concentrate. You made a very important point when you said that you try to enjoy what you are reading; enjoyment very often comes when you have made an effort, it doesn't happen on its own, and when you enjoy something you generally do better at it; most of the time you are getting scores over 80% so you must be enjoying the stories!